It's all I, I, I and me, me and me
I think our politicians are trying to run our lives according to what they want, not how we the people want it. It seems to me that they don't care what we say, how we vote or what we believe in. It is just I, I, I and me, me and me.
Talk about taxation without representation. Most of our elected officials think we the people are just puppets and all they have to do is pull a few strings and we are happy. I think, for the most part, they are right. A lot of the people in this country have become welfare reliant and think that having the government giving them all this help is good. I look at other countries such as France and see this country in another couple of decades in the same predicament as they are.
If the politicians want national health care for all those in this country, even though many have it through work or other ways, then it is time that we the people demand that our elected officials also have to be covered by it. Do away with their special health care system and their nice retirement system.
Our government is talking of setting up this health care for all and limiting it. Will you still be a viable citizen?
Wake up, people. Stand up for your rights and stand on your own two feet. Tell the government to do their job according to our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Bill Sweetwood
Carson City
An appeal for input from professionals
I would like to thank Dr. Rowe and the Appeal for some much-needed, real information on the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. Professional information from doctors, hospitals, EMTs, etc., I believe, is sorely missing from the health care debate in our community and, in fact, across the country.
So what say our local hospitals? Are Dr. Rowe's unconfirmed reports accurate? (Local hospitals budget $25 million to cover EMTALA free service in 2009 already depleted by July.) If not, perhaps a hospital board member should set the record straight.
There is much more information I would like so I and others can develop a more informed opinion. I particularly would like more information on the impact illegal immigration has, not just on our hospitals, but also schools, court systems, sheriff's departments and our taxes.
I appeal for more professionals in our community to speak out.
William S. Snyder
Carson City