An economic lifeline cast for Carson City

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The Great Recession, as I've heard today's economy called, continues to loom in the Silver State. There is hope, however, for healthy opportunities.

On the horizon, the Carson Nugget, in a partnership with Carson City, sees a chance to introduce new businesses that are not currently in the region.

A business-focused, high-tech public library coupled with a business incubator could be the anchor institution around which the rest of the activities cluster. The proposed site is now eight acres of mostly Nugget-owned parking lots. The library would become a beehive of downtown vibrancy and the business incubator the entrepreneurial launch pad.

Business start-ups that are unique and have a breakthrough idea or technology with long-term growth potential and bring high paying jobs will provide new career paths for our youth and be nurtured in the business incubator. An example of these kinds of sectors include digital media, animation and wireless devise application development, to name just three.

Folks wonder, "Why would these companies want to come to Carson City now?" It's a simple answer: Industries that creates technical, professional, high-paying jobs want to live, work, grow, learn and make a life in a downtown neighborhood like what could be possible in the Nugget project. Nevada has a favorable tax climate and Carson City understands if we want opportunity we have to play a part in making good things happen. All together this makes the Nugget project extremely attractive in today's economy.

Not in the area, but slated for possible development, is loft-type housing that might attract our commuters as residents. Also, new retail to fill the gaps that today send shoppers to surrounding communities and a large plaza (flanked by an evening entertainment venue) with recreational, cultural and arts programs for residents and visitors alike could create the "there" there in Carson City.

All together the development will become the center point of contact that gathers locals and attracts visitors. Residents and visitors alike won't want to miss our art centers, museums, college, parks, trail heads, events and attractions.

On Dec. 10, in a special 6 p.m. meeting of the Board of Supervisors, the Nugget development team will present project findings to the community. A detailed report regarding the economic impact of this project both in the immediate term during the construction phase as well as the long term once doors are opened will be discussed.

çis deputy manager of the Carson City Office of Business Development. Send questions and feedback to or stay in touch online at


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