Past pages 1-4 | Serving Carson City for 160 years

Past pages 1-4

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130 Years Ago

A Bodie man, yet unnamed, arrived in Carson City and went about to see if he could not reduce Carson's supply of whiskey, his purse was well filled. He succeeded measurably well in his laudable enterprise and exhibited his money very freely in numerous drinking places. As a consequence he was followed by a stranger, who had evil designs upon the pocket of the man from Bodie. When he reached Tobriner's store, the drunken man was taken up by an officer and conducted to a place out of the reach of sharpers. He had a considerable roll of greenbacks and metallic currency, which he would have been minus, but for the timely appearance of an officer upon the scene.

110 Years Ago

Reno is being visited with a pest of petty thieves. Ding-a-ling-ling and biff-bang-bang are the noises of the street. Gov. Sadler has the grippe, but is around attending to business. The Gardnerville Record wants the ranchers to start a sugar beet factory. It takes sugar to start it my boy.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: "Carson Theater " "Rhythm in the Saddle" with Gene Autry " It's rodeo day at the Silver Saddle Ranch with Gene and Smiley keeping things running smoothly and winning the stagecoach race.

20 Years Ago

Today is Gov. Bob Miller's first day as governor of Nevada. Miller elected not to move into the mansion until he officially becomes governor which is scheduled to take place after George Bush installs Bryan as a U.S. Senator. Then Miller, lieutenant governor, will become Nevada's first acting governor.

- Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.