130 Years
A lambrequin is a window hanging. The placing of a lambrequin in the arch of each of the proscenium boxes at the Opera House would add so much to the appearance. Let this notice to the Directors serve as a gentle reminder to cause them to provide those hangings as suggested. Then the stage of that pretty building will be a handsome as that of any provincial theater anywhere.
110 Years Ago
A queer bird has been making appearances in this section. Mr. Steinmetz, an authority on ornithology, classes them as the Evening Gross beak. It is a pretty bird, about the size of a lark, with copper colored plumage touch off with bright yellow wings and tail. They are feeding on fruit left on the trees of the orchards in town.
70 Years Ago
Carson City High School Notes by Charles Thornton " Radio Program " The President's speech (Franklin D. Roosevelt) was heard over the radio by the high school students. His words were fiery and soul stirring and the students enjoyed his address " as did millions.
20 Years Ago
Curbing the rising costs of automobile insurance - the most expensive states annual average in 1987 " Massachusetts $655; New Jersey $655; California, $623; Arizona, $602; Nevada $600.
10 Years Ago
Challenges facing Gov. Kenny Quinn will be the projected revenue shortfall.
- Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.ꆱ