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130 Years Ago

I.O.R.M. (International Order of Red Men). Great Sachem J. Seely, assisted by Great Junior Sagamore (chief) E. Walker, installed the following chiefs in Paiute Tribe No. 1, at their regular council held at their wigwam Jan 23, 1879: Sachem, Jas. Hunt; Sr. Sag., M. Fisher; Jr. Sag., George W. White; K. of W., Geo Tufly, C. of R. , A. Leport.

110 Years Ago

Townsendisms: (James Townsend (1838-1900), also known as Lying Jim was one of the most talented and notorious liars of the Comstock)

"Russia, it seems, is determined to have peace, even if she has to fight the whole of Europe for it."

"There are lots of married men who don't know a thing about music, yet they play second fiddle at home all the time."

"If heaven is 'a place of eternal rest,' a number of fellows of perpetual leisure around here are inactively training for it."

70 Years Ago

Sen. Key Pittman introduced a bill providing for transfer of the Carson mint to the state of Nevada (for state museum purposes). The matter came to a standstill when it became known that transfer of the property would take action by Congress.

50 Years Ago

Gov. Grant Sawyer presented a budget to the 49th session of the legislature calling for expenditures of $23,785,143, but he warned if the present spending continues by 1960-61 more money may be required than will be available from current revenues. "None of us wish to bring about a general tax increase."

20 Years Ago

Photo caption: Some local sport fan changed the street sign at Hot Springs and Goni Roads over the weekend to read "Go niners," in an obvious bout of enthusiasm for the Super Bowl contests. As everyone knows, the San Francisco Forty Niner's beat the Cincinnati Bengals 20-16 in a cliffhanger in Miami.

10 Years Ago

"Saving Private Ryan" won best dramatic film in the Golden Globe awards, and Steven Spielberg was honored for directing the film.

- Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.