Home windmills could spin into city

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Owning a windmill for alternative energy could be easier and cheaper if the city planning commission approves a new ordinance.

The Carson City Planning Department would remove the need for a $2,200 permit application fee and the planning commission's approval for a windmill under the proposal.

The department would substitute those requirements with rules regulating features including height and noise.

The planning commission will look at the proposed changes Wednesday. The ordinance would go to the board of supervisors for final approval if the commission recommends it.

The city needs to make the change to follow state law, Planning Director Lee Plemel said. The law says local governments shouldn't "unreasonably" restrict home wind or solar energy systems.

Plemel said the department likes Washoe County and Reno's windmill ordinances. These say windmills can't be taller than the length of a property, but don't put an exact limit on height.

These ordinances also do not limit the number of windmills on a property so people can have several shorter windmills.

The city planning department also said in a report that alternatives to these kind of ordinances would be to require a one-acre property for a windmill or to limit a windmill to one per five acres.

Tim Howard of Carson City said he's glad to see the city finally change its mind. The city has ignored his calls to follow state law for five years, he said.

"I've been fighting them the whole time on permitting in this county," he said.

The city has a lot of wind potential, he said, and he hates to see it go to waste.

Leslie Medeiros, owner of the Solar Store in Carson City, said the city should follow Washoe County and Reno's lead.

"I'm glad to see they're coming forth into the 21st century," she said.

But Plemel said the city has also received letters complaining about the possibility of home windmills.

David Campbell of Carson City said in a letter to the city that a neighbor's windmill would take away from his "peaceful enjoyment" of his home.

"I have a good view of the mountains," he wrote. "I don't want to see windmills; I want to see the mountains. Anything that impinges on my view, aside from what is necessary (houses, etc.) ought not happen."

- Contact reporter Dave Frank at dfran

k@nevadaappeal.com or 881-1212

What: Carson City Planning Commission meeting

Where: Sierra Room, Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.

When: Approximately

5 p.m. Wednesday.

Information: Visit www.

carson-city.nv.us and navigate to the Planning Division section of the Web site to read the meeting agenda.


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