Letters to the editor 1-27-09

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Nevada lottery could

raise money, save jobs:

So Nevada has a budget problem. Let's see. We have the lowest taxes on casinos and mining proceeds, no state lottery, but plenty of politicians on both sides of the aisle whose campaigns are funded by big casinos, gaming and mining industries. Hmm?

Doesn't take a whole bunch of highly paid taxpayer-funded and governor-appointed crony-filled commissions to figure out that one! If Nevada wants to get serious about the budget deficit it will solve the revenue leakage problem by starting a state-run lottery without cutting anyone's salary or job.

Heck, I may be ignorant, but a Nevada Lottery just may create some jobs and keep our funds from drifting over the state line to fund California schools, which rank way ahead of ours in per pupil funding.


Carson City

Conservatism called bankrupt ideology:

Most historians rank George W. Bush as our worst president and an abject failure.

However, he did one thing overwhelmingly good. He showed that conservatism is a bankrupt ideology.

Thanks to W, we know that conservatives are not fiscally responsible, are not for small government, do not uphold moral values, do not respect human rights, do not seek justice for all and do not pursue peace.

We have the worst recession since Hoover's Depression, worst spying on citizens since Nixon's "enemies list," worst foreign policy mistake and war crimes since Vietnam (Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, rendition), worst emergency response to our worst natural disaster (Hurricane Katrina ) and worst separation of rich and poor (80 percent wealth in upper

2 percent of the population).

Conservatives fought ending slavery, ending segregation, civil rights, women's suffrage, labor laws, Social Security and Medicare.

Alternatively, liberalism or progressive ideology brought out these good ideas and once enacted, progressive change is difficult to reverse. That's because progressive change is " progress." Progressive values are the most adaptive trait humans have created to ensure success and survival on this planet. To put it another way, conservatives want to "conserve" everything for themselves, whereas liberals are willing to share.

So W's failure has shown us the way to become a greater nation. Let's not squander this opportunity.


Carson City

Governor offered advice on employment situation:

A note to our governor:

People want you impeached; do this: Start laying people off and see if they like to be in the unemployed line. I don't think they will like it and think twice before complaining about their present job.


Carson City

Great medical treatment, but Sen. Reid not so great:

Recently my wife and I had medical problems that required the services with the medical staffs here in the Carson-Minden area. My wife fell and cracked a vertebra. I came down with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

My wife was taken to the emergency room late at night. While there, the staff started immediate procedures to determine just what the damage was and what must be done to correct it.

The vertebra was injected with "cement." My wife is doing very well.

My condition is improving and, with the advances in cancer treatment, it looks like remission will occur in late December.

In all of this we have experienced great medical teams. They have clearly had our best interest in mind: Not only the doctor but the nurses, technicians, admitting folks, billing clerks and pharmacies. They are experts in their fields, knowledgeable, caring and explained just what is going on clearly and concisely.

This is not isolated to Northern Nevada. Over my 80 years of life I have found a kindred attitude in several California cities.

We hear from you (Sen. Harry Reid) constantly that the medical services are broken. You say that Washington needs to fix it. I have not found it so.

Sen. Reid's solutions in other areas have been truly dismal. On energy, for example; the private sector can solve that problem and keep the environment clean. All you (federal government) have to do is get out of their way. You have not solved the problems facing Medicare, Social Security and the mortgage loans (as I understand it the Democrats funded these loans).

Then you say there's enough blame to go around. Nice try, senator, the Republicans told you what would happen " but onward the Democrats went.

It would have been better if the federal government stayed out. That is if the Constitution would have been allowed to have its way. Especially the enumerated powers portion and the 10th Amendment " "It belongs to the states and the people."

That's what a constitutional republic is all about.

