Gov. Jim Gibbons returns to his Carson City office Wednesday after spending the weekend in Iraq visiting with some of Nevada's troops.
Gibbons said the troops he met with have "earned my respect by the way they conducted themselves."
"We've got a lot of great men and women serving over here," he said. "The people of Nevada need to recognize and reward their service."
Gibbons said that means making sure there are jobs for the guard members from Nevada when they return.
Gibbons arrived at the Contingency Operating Base at Basra Sunday. He said the purpose of his trip was to gauge the morale of Nevada's troops and address any questions they have during a town-hall meeting with them.
Gibbons was one of three governors invited on the tour. The others are Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, a Democrat, and Minnesota's Tim Pawlenty, a Republican.
Contact reporter Geoff Dornan at or 687-8750.