Letters to the editor 7-22

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Do you really want change

or live under the Constitution?

It is time to decide if you want to have your life completely dominated by Obama's government or do you want to have things be like they were intended under our Constitution.

If you think that you will be better off under nationalized health care, think for a minute if you trust your doctor or do you trust your health care needs to some fool in Washington.

When your vehicle needs repair or replacement, are you ready to not be able to get the parts you need because it is not made anymore, and are you ready to park your travel trailer or boat trailer because you can't get what you need to pull it and you can't sell it?

Do you like having your lifestyle being trashed because it is the in thing to accept the blame for causing climate change even though there is mounting evidence to the contrary?

Do you like having a president who does as he likes even though he is breaking constitutional law and nobody has the guts to call him on it?

Maybe you like losing your freedoms in a land that once guaranteed you never would. Maybe you like being controlled at every turn, be it health care, the car that you will drive, the lifestyle that you will have, the job that you will have, the amount of money you will earn and be allowed to keep and, soon, the knock at your door when they come to collect your guns.

Kelly Madigan

Carson City

Power lines and trees

not a good combination

Last year, Aug. 26, I started phoning regarding getting branches of a tree in our back yard trimmed back from the power lines. Since then, I have repeatedly phoned and had to leave messages, sometimes I received a call back, and sometimes not.

Finally, the end of May, someone came to look at the tree that someone planted possibly a half century ago, and a tree in a Silver Oak neighbor's yard that is visibly touching the high wires. I cannot see which house this tree belongs to and, of course, do not know if that tree is accessible to children.

This is very disturbing to me, as the gentleman that came to view the situation said they would take care of the branches against the electric wires sometime in June.

Now, halfway July, after having phoned again with no response, I am appealing to someone who can tell us how to get the electric company to take care of this.

L.L. Vanderwal

Carson City