Carson City CASA board members and volunteers thank the following folks who recently helped our fund-raising efforts:
Gov. Jim Gibbons; Nevada Supreme Court Chief Justice James Hardesty and Ron Titus, court administrator; State Sens. Mark Amodei, Terry Care and Randolph Townsend, and Senators and Assembly Members who supported Assembly Bill 65; Carson City Justice of the Peace Robey Willis, Judge Todd Russell and former Judge Bill Maddox; and all Carson City supervisors.
Ron Knecht
board member of
Carson City CASA
We at Dayton Elementary have such a wonderful booster group: Kadee Mason, Lisa Selmi, Penny Hughes, Ann Fraser and Nancy Garrard. If I forgot anyone I apologize.
These ladies do so much for our school, our kids and so very much for the teachers and staff. It amazes me at how thoughtful and busy and just plain nice they are.
I can't think of a better way to thank them than to do it publicly. They truly go above and beyond.
Thank you so much.