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130 years ago

A Little Home Talk: The Comstock is now controlled by a few men and general prospecting and opening of new mines is almost quit. The development of new mines is almost stifled and is subject to the permission and regulation of the few prominent men who control the stock market. Our people, taken as a whole are reduced to the status of employees, or worse, to abject slavery. In plain words, the business of our locality is so fettered, that a few men can perform it all, and those who are not fortunate enough to be in favor swell the class that must be known as our redundant population. Carson has little left except the right of free speech and free thought. The future must be made brighter than it looks today.

70 years ago

Two of the highest honors that can be conferred upon a student of St. John's College High School were given to Samuel Patrick McCarran, a Nevada boy and son of Senator and Mrs. Pat McCarran of Nevada. Young McCarran spent his vacation last year driving his father on tours around the state in the senator's 1938 campaign for re-election.

20 years ago

With bids coming in way over budget on the first phase of Carson-Tahoe Hospital's expansion, and building seven months behind schedule, hospital trustees are switching horses midstream in an effort to salvage the project by extricating the hospital from a contract with the construction management firm running the project, and by canceling all bids for the project.

10 years ago

Mammoth bones from 14,000 years ago tell archaeologists the dramatic climactic changes that can occur, and will probably happen again.