130 Years Ago
The tar bucket. A man named David Speers, was taken a short distance out of Reno, tarred and feathered, and given 24 hours to leave town after being caught selling whiskey to Indians. The Renoites do not let such petty offenders cost the county much - they deal with them in a very summary way. Good for Reno.
110 Years Ago
Forrest Roberts who was riding after stock for Tom Rickey was thrown from a bucking horse, breaking his neck. The horse that threw him was considered one of the worst. After attempting to lasso the jumping animal, the boy was thrown and instantly killed.
70 Years Ago
Arthur Kelly was elected chief of the Warren Engine Company No. 1. Others elected were George Meyers, first assistant chief, and Fred Berning, second assistant chief. Election of officers of the organization of fireman were: President - Frank E. Meder; Vice-president - Archie Pozzi; Secretary - T. C. Gosemerker; Treasurer - Alec McCharles; Trustees - Ernest Gilbert, John S. Sanger and John Olding.
50 Years Ago
The Silver Centennial commemorative postage stamp will be placed on first day of sale. It shows Henry Comstock at the Mount Davidson, site of the rich silver deposits discovered by Patrick McLaughlin and Peter O'Riley in 1859.
20 Years Ago
The Jacqueline Gold Corporation, a venture mining company, is hoping the Comstock can boom again. Seismic tests around the Lucerne Pit show significant gold ore quantities.
10 Years Ago
The NBC miniseries "Atomic Train" was edited to replace reference to nuclear waste with the phrase "hazardous waste." According to Richard Bryan the nuclear industry would prefer to keep its plans to transport tons of nuclear waste within a mile of 50 million Americans quiet.
- Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.