Carson High School Jazz Band performs
Carson High School Jazz Band performs, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Saturday, May 16 at the Greenhouse Garden Center, 2450 S. Curry St. Band member boosters will be selling refreshments. Celebrate Tomatomania and enjoy the sounds of the Carson High School Jazz Band. For information, call 882-8600.
Tickets available for 'The Princess Bride'
The students of Sierra Crest Academy present "The Princess Bride", 7 p.m., Friday, May 29 and 5 p.m., Saturday, May 30 at the Children's Museum of Northern Nevada, 813 N. Carson St. The Saturday night show will be followed by a family dance with live music. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for children. For tickets and information, call 783-9002.
Pick up a free cup of coffee while biking
In support of "Bike to Work Day," 7-9 a.m., Friday, May 15, the following businesses will offer a complimentary cup of coffee for individuals commuting to work by bicycle: Carson Coffee, 1825 N. Carson St.; Comma Coffee, 312, S. Carson St.; Java Girls, 3667 S. Carson St.; Starbucks, all four locations; 2320 S. Carson St. No. 1; 1410 E. William St., 3228 N. Carson St. No. 15; 3325 Retail Drive No. 100. For information, e-mail or call 841-4821.
Wylie Animal Rescue needs volunteers
Wylie Animal Rescue Foundation has a need for new volunteers to help feed, clean litter boxes and socialize several cats at the Carson City halfway home Saturdays and/or Sundays from 10 a.m.-noon. To volunteer or for information, e-mail or call 883-8996.
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