Decent books make decent kids

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Local writer, Zemo Watts, will read one of his children's books at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Sunday at Border's Books, 911 Topsy Lane in Carson City. He will sign autographs and will read "Little Dog, a Goat and Pony Tale."

Goat and Pony are a series of books for children of any age who enjoy a clean and decent read for themselves. There are currently seven books in the series and Include, "Little Dog, a Goat and Pony Tale," "Abe and the Indian Caves," a "Goat and Pony Tale; Goat and Pony Join the Circus," "Goat and Pony and the Elephant," 'The Mysterious Visitors," "Goat and Pony and the Miner," "Goat and Pony and the Christ Child."

Watts is a graduate of Sacramento State Collage and studied Law at McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento, graduating in June 1989. He practiced law for 16 years and has written for many west coast publications. He also has written two novels and continues writing in the Goat and Pony series. Watts lives in Carson City and is retired from his law practice.

For more information, call 775-267-0755.