Letters to the editor 10-3

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Permission needed to hear president? How sad

We teach our students that they must pledge their allegiance to this country, and then, when the president is speaking - just to them - not a candidate for president but the elected president, we tell them we must let the adults censor their involvement.

How can we levy that with our patriotic consciences? It's a really sad day for Carson City when the only school not requiring permission slips is the private Catholic one, and a sad day for our youth and country.

Bridget Gordon

Carson City

You can judge people

on first impressions

A recent letter to the editor suggested that people should not be judged by their appearance. I immediately wondered what planet the letter writer lived on. Any person will note another's appearance when they first see them.

Are they neat, clean and appropriately dressed for the occasion? If not, why not? If they look weird and there is no apparent reason calling for weirdness at the moment, then they might rightfully be judged as being weird. If they look stupid because of dress or behavior, should they be judged stupid or just a professor in disguise?

All anyone has to go on when they first see you is how you look. That is what makes the first impression. If you don't want to be misjudged, then change the way you present yourself.

If you came seeking employment from me with a decorative yellow stripe in your otherwise dark hair, you can be sure the interview would be short. You might be very smart but you would have already raised questions about your judgment.

Don't blame others for what you tell them about yourself.

Del Snider

Carson City

Dog put to death for protecting property

My son-in-law's dog was ordered to be put to sleep by a court order. His crime was protecting his property. He was in the back fenced-in yard. The gate was posted with a sign that said, "Beware of Dog."

A man went in anyway and the dog bit him. Now, this same dog played with kids and adults at the beach. He played ball and went swimming.

It seems to me that if the courts paid more attention to rapists and child molesters and gangs (the ones they think they have control of), robbers and killers - the ones that beat up us older people - maybe this would be a safer place to live.

William Sears

Carson City

Willa alive and well in Carson City

I have received many phone calls and e-mails regarding the second edition of Carson City In Focus that was produced in partnership with the Nevada Appeal this past Thursday, and appreciate the many fine comments.

I wish all to know that the wonderful Willa Oldham is alive and well and will be 98 years young at the end of November.

She goes by Willa Ramsden now and apparently was (and is!) quite the celebrity in our city. When I searched for her, I was not aware of her new last name. Willa is loved by many.

I will be meeting with Willa next week and will do a special feature on her for all to read in the Sunday, Oct. 11 edition of Voice of Business. The next edition of In Focus will be published in March 2010.

Ronni Hannaman

Executive director

Carson City Chamber of Commerce


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