Brian Duggan/Nevada AppealCandidates for Wards 1 and 3 debate Monday night inside the Carson Nugget.
The Carson Nugget was the site Monday evening of a candidate forum for Carson City Board of Supervisors seats in Ward 1 and Ward 3. Read the live coverage of candidates' comments here.
The Carson City Chamber of Commerce hosted the event. The primary election is June 8 and voters will be asked to vote for two supervisors to replace the termed out seats of Robin Williamson, Ward 1 and Pete Livermore, Ward 3. These seats are non-partisan and voters will be asked to vote for two in each district to advance to the general.
Ward 1 primary candidates are: Karen Abowd, Rob Joiner, Sean Lehmann, Paul Saucedo, Gary Schulz and Norman Scoggin. And Ward 3 candidates are: John McKenna, Mark Sattler and Day Williams.
Western Nevada College Professor Robert Morin will serve as moderator and ask each candidate a series of three questions. The audience also will have the opportunity to weigh in.