Faith & Insight: God's Word puts you in balance

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Do you remember those black cat wall clocks of the 1950s? The swinging pendulum was actually the cat's tail. As the tail swung, the big eyes moved back and forth too. Well, a company in California still makes them and, knowing my love of nostalgia, I was gifted with one some time back.

Our problem (mine and the cat's) is that he/she/it gets out of balance, and the tail stops swinging.

Sometimes I get out of balance too. I was reminded of that recently in my daily Bible reading.

In Luke chapter nine, Jesus and his disciples are heading to Jerusalem and stop in Samaria for lodging. They are refused a place to stay, as Jews and Samaritans are in the midst of a centuries-long feud. James and John come forward asking Jesus if they can command fire to come down from heaven on these characters.

Jesus once called these two brothers "sons of thunder" because of such temperamental outbursts. Here we see that they are evidently sons of lightning too!

Jesus rebukes them by saying (in some manuscripts), "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them."

That's how I get out of balance sometimes. I forget what kind of spirit God wants me to be of. I often respond in a spirit of revenge, temperamental outburst, or stubborn sullenness.

In contrast, the Bible speaks of the spirit with which we should be identified. That spirit (the Holy Spirit) produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23). As Jesus indicated, this new spirit is one that seeks to bless and save, not destroy.

When my cat clock gets out of balance, I have to straighten it and give the tail a shove. May I always be open to receiving the same from God.

If your tail needs a shove, you are welcome to check out the loving churches of Carson City.

• Bruce Henderson, is minister for the Airport Rd. Church of Christ and a member of the Carson City Ministerial Association.


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