Letters to the Editor for Aug. 8

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Ribbons in honor of Guinn were lovely gesture

To Dave Smith, whose family owns Carson Flag Store, thank you for hanging ribbons in honor of Gov. Guinn. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. I'm sure he appreciates it too. He's probably smiling down from heaven right now. Thank you for your generosity. May our Lord bless and keep you.

Ross Jensen

Carson City

President ignored historic event honoring Scouting

As an Eagle Scout, 1943, the brother of an Eagle Scout and the father of an Eagle Scout, I was greatly disappointed that President Obama and his advisers failed to accept the opportunity to recognize publicly the young American men and their leaders who gathered to celebrate the National Centennial Anniversary Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America.

The young men represented hundreds of thousands of brother scouts who are living their lives under the tenets of the Scout Oath, i.e., doing their best to do their duty to God and country, to help other people at all times and to keep themselves physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

This is an oath worthy of practice by all of us. It is a recognized fact that many scouts have grown into men holding positions of leadership in many facets of the life of our great country.

To have given public recognition to the Scouts at their centennial celebration would have been an affirmation to their contributions to the strength of the American way of life. Rather, Obama chose to appear on a daytime TV show - an opportunity that could have occurred anytime.

Carleton Bingham

Recipient of Scouting's Order of the Arrow

Reid, Gibbons both

failed in Race to Top

OMG! There is really something wrong with this picture:

The headlines state "Schools lose out on $175M" and "Nevada loses bid for Race to the Top Money."

These articles are about how our state is not eligible for the federal education money and the reason why - Gibbons blames Reid for not using his influence and Reid blames Gibbons for only meeting the minimum requirements to file.

In the meantime, money is being shaved off of the Millennium Scholarship because of the state's budget shortfall. What happened to these two who represent Nevada? What is wrong with just stepping up to the plate and getting money that this state is entitled to and stop waiting for the other guy to do the work?

Does Nevada need people like this to keep running our state? We already know one of them is heading out the door and the other needs to really think about what he has been saying and doing lately because it is not in the best interest for Nevada.

Connie Corley


Social programs don't reflect Christian charity

On July 28, a reader posed an interesting question about how would Jesus vote on issues like Social Security, Medicare and national health care.

The Founding Fathers sought to limit government as a way to ensure the individual as much freedom as possible to govern themselves. They saw that as the best way to promote the general welfare and saw self-government - freedom to make choices for ourselves - as the essence of Christianity. 

If Jesus were here on earth I don't think he would look at these large, broken government programs as the right way to look after the sick and poor for much the same reasons the founding fathers wouldn't have - because they do nothing to promote spirituality of giver or receiver.

There is no faith required of the giver who is involuntarily forced to be charitable through taxes. Likewise there is no faith required for the individual receiving the income distribution because they are required to do nothing to promote their independence as they become dependent on someone else's hard-earned income.

I hardly find that concept of charity Christian at all. It's expedient, but not a long-term spiritual solution to helping the sick and the poor. 

Having said all that, whether a politician supports these programs should not be the the main criteria for determining whether they are Christian.

Christ is not about political agendas, but about the individual's heart of which we can only imperfectly judge.

 J. Dale Hansen

Carson City

Paslov strays from truth over ACORN affair

On the Sherrod situation, Paslov writes, "The right wing ... went for the jugular. They (Glenn Beck and ...)."

Neither Beck nor anyone on FoxNews, the evil right-wing headquarters, mentioned her name or showed the clip until after she had been fired.

Later Paslov writes about "the fictional prostitution scam that brought down ACORN" as though ACORN were a righteous victim...

You'll remember that ACORN people were given many choices to reject or support a pimp and his business. In at least three cities, ACORN chose to support the pimp. Some righteous victim!

Dr. Paslov is not a journalist. He is a columnist and an educator, not bound by truth. But let's not confuse his columns with honest discussion.

Dave Campbell

Carson City

Tom Purcell called it

right with column

I do not recall ever reading Tom Purcell before July 22, but he speaks to the truth about how our freedom of selection process has gone astray. At the same time, it underscores the weakness in our system - the voters, they are gullible.

I have long believed during my nearly 87 years that the nation needs first to boot out the entire Congress - both houses - and send some Joe the Plumber types to manage our affairs. They are the types who make the nation tick, even as the career politicians hamper their efforts.

It utterly baffles me how reasonably well-read people will continually send to the District of Corruption those who are responsible for corrupting the system.

It isn't Democrats or Republican. It is corruption of elected officials, many of whom are simply educated incompetents.

Let us have more Tom Purcell-type sound advice, and the Nevada Appeal editorial board would be a good place to start.

I am a Republican, so I am not on welfare.

Vernon Latshaw

Carson City

She draws the line

at Sharron Angle

Although I am a dedicated supporter of Sen. Reid, I must admit that Sharron Angle is amazing. Ms. Angle defies all laws of geometry - being both obtuse and right.

Please sign me "A liberal Democrat and proud of it."

Mary Ann Bennett

Carson City


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