Presentation on end of life planning

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Most people would agree that none of us will get out of this life alive. So why is it that so many of us never plan or tell anyone how they wish to "exit" this world.

Understandably few wish to envision their final days. The sad result is that many people die in pain and without their final wishes known.

All are invited to attend an "encore" presentation by Paula Schneider, RN, MPH, at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 19, at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 312 N. Division St.

St. Peter's Caregiver Support Group is hosting this important meeting where, for the minimal fee of a dollar, participants can secure their final wishes.

If you are wise, brave or even just efficient enough to discuss your final wishes, than this is the presentation for you.

Call Deb Cash at 887-8846 to confirm your attendance as the last presentation filled up quickly.

Also, anyone that is a caregiver is most welcome to come and meet others that night who understand and wish to help with the resources necessary to care for a seriously ill loved one or friend.