Dog shooting shows need for new protocol
I am writing in response to the story about the police shooting of Mrs. Stewart's dog, Topaz.
I have been agonizing about this incident ever since it was reported in the Nevada Appeal several weeks ago. I knew I needed more information, and it finally came in Saturday's Aug. 14 Nevada Appeal.
Mrs. Stewart, I support your efforts to question the reasons for the shooting.
In my opinion, people who carry guns tend to use them instead of using alternative methods. Remember Officer Mehserle in Oakland? He stated he was reaching for his Taser and instead found his gun and shot and killed a man.
I tried to imagine what a reasonable and prudent person would do in the circumstance of a dog trying to protect its owner. If I walked into someone's yard at night unannounced and a dog rushed at me and tried to nip my leg I would maybe kick at the dog and then get the hell out of the yard. He also could have called the house to get the owner to restrain the dog. The problem is that this police officer overreacted. There was no broken skin? And you call this justified?
Sheriff Furlong, this is an abomination, and your election year. I want to see policies that help your police officers learn alternative methods in situations that are not life-threatening. This is a frightening world, and now, I am frightened of the police.
Margaret Konieczny
Carson City
Just say no to irresponsible spending
A London Telegraph story on
Aug. 15 read, "Councils pay for prostitutes for the disabled. Taxpayers' money is being spent on prostitutes, lap dancing clubs and exotic holidays under schemes designed to give more independence to the disabled."
Carolyn, Maizie and Gen. Wesley Clark may look with disdain upon the party of "no" but I'm proud to vote against the party of "pro" to stop just this kind of irresponsible government policy and waste of taxpayers' dollars from occurring in the U.S.
And don't think it can't happen here. Having worked for Uncle Sam, I guarantee, give bureaucrats dollars hard-earned by the taxpayers, and they will find a way to flit them away. Yes, I say "no" to the insatiable appetite of government to grow unbounded under this administration's policies. I say "no" to out-of-control spending by this Democratic-led Congress. I say "no" to the politicizing of the illegal immigration crisis and Social Security and Medicare reform, and I say "no" to paying for the federal funding of abortions now allowed under Obamacare.
It's time we taxpayers say "no" to much more "pro" or this country will be bankrupt.
Thomas H. Grayson
Carson City
City's quick response to leak much appreciated
We live on Poplar Street in Carson City. About 4 p.m. on Aug. 13, water started running from the street in front of our home in several places.
I immediately called the street and storm drain maintenance department. A maintenance man came within the half hour and called for a crew to come and work on the situation right away.
In a short time, the crew arrived and started working. In short order, they had repaired the line.
They nicely explained and showed me what happened to the line. This the fourth leak in same line in the last two-three years, and all the Band-Aids are close together. The street was back in good shape quickly.
We appreciate the prompt response, the quick repair and the courteous explanation to each of our questions by the city staff involved.
John and Mary Crossley
Carson City