Democrat gubernatorial candidate Rory He-Who-Shall-Not-to-Be-Last-Named unveiled his economic "Moving Nevada Forward" plan this week and doggone if it doesn't sound eerily familiar.
Rory says he plans to "Dramatically cut the size of state government while preserving the most crucial state functions and services" by going through the state budget "line by line" and finding "ways to trim unneeded expenses and cut fat." He also proposes "cutting waste and inefficiencies across state government as other states have done."
Holy cow! I think Rory is channeling former conservative state Sen. Bob Beers! Here, you be the judge.
Rory proposes cutting the number of state agencies from 26 to 16 to reduce bureaucracy and cost. Sounds like Bob Beers to me.
Rory says he will "reduce staffing of elected officials." Sounds like Bob Beers to me.
Rory says he will "cut administrative overhead by 50 percent." Sounds like Bob Beers to me.
Rory says "it will be necessary to maintain the furlough program (for state workers) and extend the suspension of merit and longevity pay hikes." Bob Beers.
Rory says he will eliminate "pork spending" on capital projects. Bob Beers.
Rory says that with "smarter" government "we can trim state government by a total of 10 percent." Bob Beers.
Rory will "end state contracts that aren't performing." Bob Beers.
Rory says he will "inventory state assets and optimize their use, such as surplus land and office space." Actually, that's Brian Sandoval ... but it could be Bob Beers, too.
Rory will save money through "better use of technology." Bob Beers.
Rory says he's going to "modify retirement plans for new employees." Actually, that was Kenny Guinn, as well as the SAGE Commission ... but it could be Bob Beers, too.
Rory will "reduce unneeded layers of management." Bob Beers.
Rory will "privatize inmate medical and mental health care." Bob Beers.
Rory will "get Nevada's share of federal dollars that (Gov. Jim) Gibbons has not pursued."
Hmmm, that one sounds more like Rory's father. I think Bob Beers would say we should stop sending the money to Washington in the first place.
Rory declares that "we cannot tax our way out of our problems." Bob Beers.
Rory says he will "streamline school administration and slash education bureaucracy." Bob Beers.
Rory projects that Nevada's revenue shortfall over the next two years is going to be $1.6 billion, not $3.5 billion. That one sounds like Geoff Lawrence over at the Nevada Policy Research Institute, but it could be Bob Beers, too.
In other words, Rory is trying to run for governor as Bob Beers! What a poser.
Oh, and by the way, Rory's last name is ... REID, in case you didn't know. And two Reids don't make a right.
• Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public policy grassroots advocacy organization. He may be reached at