Time to give and thanks for giving

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Joyce Buckingham is a powerhouse of energy right now. I saw her yesterday to give her a generous donation from John and Mary Liveratti for the annual Christmas toy drive. The Ron Wood Family Resource Center Toys for Tots Program becomes her main focus making sure every child is covered. I am always amazed how we tend to forget that teenagers need items too - not just toys but movie passes, bowling gift certificates, a football or curling iron. It is easier to purchase that cute baby doll and probably much easier then shopping for teens but those teens deserve Christmas too. Each year I put a reminder out only because I see how much is donated for the younger ages and, well, the teens have, as they say, "slim pickin'." I am sure they understand and many would rather see their younger siblings with gifts then themselves, but if you haven't dropped a toy in yet think of a teenager.

WHO: Ron Wood Family Resource Center "Toys for Tots" Program

WHAT: Any and all unwrapped toys for all ages, especially teens

WHEN: Accepting donations today until 5 p.m.

WHERE: New Address - 2621 Northgate Lane Suite 62

CONTACT: 884-2269

PROCEEDS BENEFIT: Ron Wood Family Resource Center


• I had an amazing time shopping with all the volunteers and the many law enforcement men and women who came out for Holiday with a Hero Shopping Spree. Thank you Detective Dan Gonzales. You are astounding and your wife, Meliah incredible. A special thank you to all the Western Nevada College Student Association members who helped organize the children. Patience is a virtue. Everyone did a fantastic job. The 18 students from Carson High School who went the next day were by far the nicest young adults I have ever assisted. CHS Principal Ron Beck should be proud.

• To each individual and all the businesses in town that helped Salvation Army, Toys for Joys, Toys for Tots, Reno Rodeo Foundation Denim Drive, Advocates to End Domestic Violence, Holidays with a Hero, RSVP, Meals on Wheels, The Carson City Fireman's Associations Toy Spree, FISH Food Drive, Food for Thought, all the churches and many more great projects that each of you assisted with. Thank you! You might never see the benefits of your gift, donation and time, but know in your hearts you fed someone, you clothed someone, you helped a child or someone in need and you made a difference in someone's life. And really, that's all that matter. The reward that you feel it in your hearts.

• Thank you to Richard and Linda Van Alfen. They had donated food at the recent Advocates Share the Holiday Food Drive. They must have missed me, but I did receive your letter. They made my Christmas with a gentle reminder in this statement, "Experiencing the Taste of Downtown in 2003 (and every year after) helped solidify our choice of where to retire." That statement is so true. How Carson as a town comes together, not only at the holidays but all year long. It reminded me how exceptional our community is and the remarkable individuals who reside here. Thank you Rick and Linda for making Carson City your choice. I am grateful. Merry Christmas to all of you and may each of you have a wonderful holiday with all your loved ones.

• To have your information included, contact Kim Riggs at kimriggs@att.net