Food distribution today at senior center
What's expected to be the final general distribution of shelf-stable emergency meals for seniors will take place today from 12:30-3:30 p.m. at the Carson City Senior Citizens Center, 911 Beverly Drive.
The center also has cases of Ensure to distribute to seniors who are nutritionally compromised.
The center is now distributing 12 meals per person. Those who received 10 meals during previous distributions can come in and receive two more.
The meals are for seniors, 60 years old or older, and their spouses. There is no income requirement.
The meals will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while the supply lasts.
For more information, contact the center at 883-0703.
Happy Senior Tour next week
The Carson City Senior Citizens "Happy Senior Tours" group is moving the day of its monthly bus trips from Wednesday to the second Tuesday of the month, effective this month.
The February tour will be Tuesday, Feb. 9 to Boomtown.
To make reservations or for more information, call 882-3352.
The bus will load at 7:45 a.m., in the east parking lot of the senior center. It will depart at 8:15 a.m. sharp and return to the center at 4 p.m.
Donate unwanted prescription glasses
The Lions Club of Nevada (District 46) wants to give the world the gift of sight through a recycling project that begins this week.
For two weeks, the Lions will collect your old and unwanted prescription glasses and sunglasses at various locations in your area. The glasses will be distributed to those in need in developing countries where eye care is often unaffordable and inaccessible.
The glasses will be shipped to the Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center where they will be cleaned, categorized by prescription and prepared for distribution by Lions and other groups. According to the World Health Organization, the eyesight of approximately one-fourth of the world's population can be improved through the use of a corrective lens.
To donate used eyeglasses, place them in specially marked Lions Recycle for Sight collection boxes. Locations all over the state can be found by logging on to
Reunion of USS Clinton planned
The USS Clinton Crewmen's Reunion Association is looking for crewmen and families. The group's 17th annual reunion is planned for Oct. 11-15 in Reno.
For more information on the event or membership in the association, contact Duncan E. Atkinson, reunion coordinator, 1510 19th Avenue North, Texas City, TX 77590. You also can call him at 409-945-6148, 409-739-1341 or fax to 409-945-5181, or e-mail