Western Nevada College has named 344 students to the Spring 2010 Dean's List. Eligible students must complete at least 12 credits for the semester with a 3.5 or higher grade point average.
Bend, Ore.: Matthew Robertson
Carson City: Emilce Alvarez, Alejandro Andraca-Garcia, Sergio Arteaga, Charolette D. Asire, Veronika Avitia, Michael Beasom, Rebecca Borgman, Max Borgman, Matthew Bradley, Lindsey Brentlinger, Cathy Buttner, Zach Caron, Melissa Carroll, Janet Carter, Daniel Ceballos, Diane Chanda, Kneesa Char, Jasmine Co, Jessica Contreras, Tyler Cook, Sarah Crockett, Jim Davidson, Kaitlyn Davis, H. Davis, Dana Debord, Kaci DeKruse, Ashley DeRosa, Tatiana Dixon, Sara Elissa, Curtiss Elliott, Grace Espinoza, Derek Fitchett, Phallon Fleck, Lindsey Forman, Amanda Garcia, Amanda Gill, Daniel Goletto, Thanairy Gomez, Ethan Graber, Jeremy Hack, James Hall, Kristin Holland, Adam Hoppe, Kenneth Hughes, Joseph Isaacson, Nicole Johns, Elise Johnson, Melissa Keirstead, Sarah Kerkla, Nancy King, Brooks Klein, Annalyse Klekar, Richard Knowles, Kate Kochsmeier, Daniel Krause, Christopher Kuhn, Heather Lambert, Blair Lawton, Jordan Lewis, Adam Loomis, Joshua Lorett, Kassie MacMillian, Carla MacMillan, Daniel Magrath, Lee Mason, Shannon Matthews, Lindsey McElfish, Tyler McElrath, Justin McIntosh, Edward Meryhew, Lailah Mobaligh, Francisco Mosquenda, Lucy Nash, Shon Nelson, Leticia Ochoa, Spencer Ofelt, Aaron Orio, Catherine Orpilla, Steven Pace, Joanna Perry, Catherine Pinney, Steven Ponte, Sarah Porr, Carinne Powell, Anne Quarisa, Jose Quiroga, Francisco Ramirez, Charlotte Ravenelle, Katelyn Ramsey, Ambra Reed, Rachael Reynolds-Strange, Christina Roberts, Amy Robinson, Kayleigh Robinson, Kimberly Sanchez, Jerrica Sannes, Jonathon Silva, Samual Sliger, Ashley Smith, Brent Smith, Amanda Smith, John Sousa, John Supera, Karina Teutli, William Tew, Vanessa Timbreza, David Tingle, Ermelinda Vela, Debra Vieyra, Lucas Vine, Cassaundra Vondrak, Jacob Waardenburg, Troy Wadsworth, Melanie Wadsworth, Kim Wallace, Pia Wendell, Nichole Wengren, Bethany White, James Wood, Mark Young, Shari Zablah, Elivtte Zambrano, Christopher Ziller
Dayton: Charles Armstrong, Kristin Berg, Rhonda Bruno, Bruce Carlson, Sean Carroll, Laycie Corley, Matt Denning, Yvonne Dorado, Rochelle Eldridge, Marissa Fabel, Isabel Flores, Tenisha Foster, Devin Galloway, Amber Gillenwater, James Hamm, Christopher Jones, Mike Kinkel, Phillip Krische, Lisbette Lanuza-Alfaro, C. Bryce Leinan, Shannon Palamar, John Reed, Amy Smee, Sara Wortman
Fallon: Mary Ashmore, Diane Blinsmon, Jessica Bowman, Anessa Buchner, Sean Busey, Craig Butcher, Eric Candee, Jennifer Capton, Guy Carter, Megan Crossland, Melissa Davis, Teresa Dhondt, Santino D'Martini, Victor Festin, Kayla Fields, Blythe Griffin, Nazarae Holland, Zachary Jacobs, Karen Kessee, Marvin Landaverde, David Larson, Krista Llamas, Kimi Martin, Jessica Mauga, Nicole McCullough, Catherine O'Toole, James Pace, Karina Paholke, Dianna Penna, Jenelle Pope, Thomas Raymond, Kevin Sheble, Jarrett Skinner, Samantha Stanhope, Kyle Ventura, Katie Winder, Danielle Wright
Fernley: Adolph Garcia, Christa Hintze-Butkiewicz, Devin Johnson, Maria Salban, Tiffany Spencer, Natalia Vasquez, Kimberly Winder, Phillip Wold
Gardnerville: Sarah Allen, Thomas Avant, James Burkhalter, Stephanie Campion, Jenna Chaney, Bradley Colescott, Eduardo Conchas, Wesley Curran, Keith Dadisman, Cheyne Davidson, Deana Davis, Jessica England, Heather Frueh, Ryan Frueh, Lisa Gourlay, Cody Greenwood, Dalene Griffiths, Howard Hawk, Nicole Hays, Jeffrey Hixson, Andrea Holdridge, Gerald Hunter, Ashley Irvine, Heather Jardine, Aaron Johnson, Daniel Judd, Jessie Kizer, Deborah Lambin, Rachael Lambin, Marcie Larsen, Mary Levene, Kristy Lawallen, Brandon Lewallen, Kole Lynch, Ashley Matthews, Camille May, Meghan McQuain, Megan Michitarian, Randel Moore, Richard Norlie, Jordan Ornellas, Blayne Osborn, Raechel Prosser, Lanette Regales, Tracy Reith, Kira Roberts, Kasey Roney, Jessica Shehorn, Brian Smith, Jennifer Stanfield, Scott Sylvester, Jonathan Towle, Stephani Voshall, Franklin Waldram, Rachel Walker, Ryan Ward, Sarah Watson, Colton Wheat, Serra Wheeler, Caren Witt
Genoa: Kelsey Aycock, Gina Pfaffenberger, Maci Pfaffenberger, Brittney Shankle
Hawthorne: Krista Engebretsen
Incline Village: Irma Mendoza
Las Vegas: Paige Savage
Lovelock: Nathan Chamberlain, Lese Conn, Frances Katsaris
McArthur, Calif.: Lisa Senko
Mesa, Ariz.: Vianneya Robinson
Minden: Dillon Barber, John Brown, Erin Cambra, Allan Chessell, Emily Chessell, Lus Cruz, Colton Dudley, Scott Etchison, Kelly Gaworski, Rosalyn Gingrich, Andrew Guddat, Eric Guzman, Sandy Hannah, Sarah Harley, Felicia Imelli, Niki Jarrett, Carl Kelb, Tammy Kinsley, Lindsay Liddell, Matthew McGuffin, Tara McManus, Colton Mellows, Gina Nichols, Faith Smith, Nicole Smith, Meghan Stice, Bethany Surber, Christopher Urban, Trevor Wentz
Missoula, Mont.: Sean Dwyer
Mound House: Thomas Baker, Jessica Bird
Reno: Georgio Brown, Glenn Helton, Callie Hutson, Alex Jares, Cory Jares, RJ Koons, Brittany Legal, Daniel Rowe, William Sanders, Nybe Swordfish, Kari Ward
Silver City: Kallie Day
Silver Springs: Michelle Byrne, Lyle Fife, Raleigh Fife, Sandra Garrison, Rachel Gill, Cheryl Gleason, Lee Parizo, Kristina Zahnter
Smith: Nichole McCarthy
South Lake Tahoe, Calif.: Joseph Cummings
Sparks: Alexandria Arciniega, Leon Marhanka
Stagecoach: Darlene Douthitt, Annmarie Losee, Sean Rutherford, Jaimie Shirley
Stateline: Faith Bechtol, Monica Bottorf
Virginia City: Kim Campa, Jessica Dupre, Lucille Hunt, Molly McGregor, Jessica Ogan, Shara Yamron
Wadsworth: Randall Hunter, Mathew Zumoff
Washoe Valley: Jennifer McLennan
Wellington: Brian Wilcox
Yerington: Taylor Bonnet, James McIntire, Marilee Page
Zephyr Cove: Karen Royce, Scott Russell, David Skalecki