'Gateway' premieres tonight at Brewery Arts

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A student film project that brought together live action plus animation in scenes set in Carson City with actors from the capital city will premiere at

7 p.m. today in the Brewery Arts Center's Maizie Harris Jesse Theatre. Admission is free and the film is suitable for all ages.

"Gateway," is a short film written, directed, filmed and animated by recent Carson High School graduate, Luke Holden, through The Northern Nevada Film Factory at the Brewery.

"It feels really good (to show the film). I put a lot of work into it, seven months of work," Holden said. "It's pretty amazing because this is like the first serious film I did."

"Gateway" takes viewers inside the world of video games as two brothers build a gateway that will allow them to physically jump into any video game they choose. The boys get more than they bargained for and find themselves running from animated beasts that have crossed over from their world into the real world using the gateway. Both worlds combine as real people and animations mix together.


"It looked pretty awesome," Holden said about seeing the film on the big screen during a test. "It's gonna be even more cool when there are people watching it."

Holden's interest in animation began as a sophomore while taking a 3D animation class at Carson High School. The creation of "Gateway" also served as his senior project.

Directing the film taught Holden a lot about organizing.

"The hardest part was being organized myself, knowing what's going to come next and having a good plan," he said, "and trying not to freak out (because) sometimes it's like you only have that one moment to get that shot because there's so many people."

With the film project complete except for the public premiere, Holden is focusing on building a portfolio and starting The Carson City Animators Club where others with a passion for animation can share ideas and resources. The club is linked to the Brewery's Northern Nevada Film Factory, which offers classes and workshops in various aspects of film.

For more information about "Gateway," the Carson City Animators Club or the Northern Nevada Film Factory, contact the Brewery at 883-1976 or online at breweryarts.org.

A trailer of "Gateway" can also be seen on the Brewery Arts website. From the home page under "Upcoming Events" click on "Gateway" or go to: http://breweryarts.



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