Today should be a busy one for dog lovers in Carson City, with three dog-related events happening around town.
The Carson City Downtown Business Association is hosting a Mutt Strut from 1-5 p.m. today in the Carson Nugget's west parking lot. The Mutt Strut Poker Run entry fee is $10; dogs are free. Vendors, dog beauty contests and prizes are planned.
Meanwhile, there will be a U.S. Dog Agility Association competition in Fuji Park today. The public is welcomed to come watch.
Dogs registered for the competition will make their way through an obstacle course set up in the park.
Chris Vaught, who runs Carson Dog Sports, is a judge for the competition. She said two other judges from Texas and Mexico will attend the event, too.
The competition will last from
9 a.m. through about 4 p.m. About 80 dogs are expected to compete.
Also in Fuji Park will be a dog show for the Northern Nevada Australian Shepherd Club.
"It's the fashion show of the dog sports," said Carrie Dempsey, who is running the competition. "They're just shown for their looks, their structure and their body conformation."
Two shows are today and two more Sunday and last from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.