Letters to the Editor

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This tea partier may dispel your beliefs

Doctor Paslov's recent criticism of the Tea Party deserves an answer. Are we ignorant, uneducated, low-income radicals? You decide, for this octogenarian may fit into your parameters.

My radical mindset comprises beliefs that are anathema to the liberal media and the socialistic freedom destroying, power-grabbing regime of the White House monster.

Our freedoms emanate from the Biblical principle that our rights come from our creator. The fruit of this belief is a breed of Americans who believe that we are a sovereign nation - a republic, not a pure democracy - and that the Constitution is set in stone with amendments for necessary change.

It is not a so-called living document that adjusts to the whims of an agenda-driven Supreme Court. We tea partiers believe that private enterprise - not government - is the goose that lays the golden egg. Our movement is one of patriots who resent the corruption of such power grabbers as Reid, Frank, Dodd and Dick Durbin.

Obama's expansion of government employees and the feathering of their nests with champagne benefits of retirement and salaries will accelerate our ruin.

We've elected a disloyal leftist radical who would warm the heart of a Hitler or a Stalin. Are you getting the idea? Now that you are convinced of the irrefutability of my case, I shall, ebullient, go down to the Nugget and heartily regale myself with a chocolate latte.

Bob Shaw

Carson City

Garbage cans left outside resulted in bear death

We've lived in the Timberline subdivision for the past 25-plus years, and there has never been a bear problem in this area unless people leave their garbage cans outside. Wildlife officials have educated people in this subdivision, and everyone is responsible and keeps their garbage cans put away.

However, there are some in our area that did not follow the city ordinance and have continually left their garbage cans outside, resulting in the death of a beautiful black bear yesterday. We will be calling the appropriate authorities should we see their garbage stored outside again. Shame on you!

Don and Tina Leahy

Carson City

Postal carriers food drive a big success

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped to make the National Association of Letter Carrier's Annual "Stamp Out Hunger" food drive a success.

In Carson City, we collected 47,290 pounds of food, and nationwide, over 20 million pounds of food were collected in the largest one-day food drive in the nation.

I would like to thank all the letter carriers who worked so hard to get the word out and collect all the food, and the clerks and truck drivers who helped with all the logistics behind the scenes to ensure a smooth operation.

Thank you to the U.S. Postal Service for providing the equipment and manpower that makes the food drive possible every year. A big thank you also to all the crew at FISH for the back-breaking work of loading and unloading all the food.

Most importantly, I would like to thank all the members of our community whose generosity of time and donations made the success of this food drive possible. We cannot thank you enough.

Shawn Wells

N.A.L.C. and the U.S. Postal Service

Don't fall for rhetoric in sheriff's race

Does anyone want to lose one of the best sheriffs that I have ever known? Why would anyone want to take a chance replacing him? During his time in office he has done a great job in many ways.

Sheriff Ken Furlong developed some of the best volunteer organizations to serve Carson City and to save money. These departments with nearly 150 citizens have saved many dollars in many ways.

It is easy to make a lot of promises of change when running for office. If some of these promises have merit, they can be proposed to the sheriff and acted upon.

We have recently seen what change in Washington gave us. Let's vote for the good we can see, not for election rhetoric.

Please take time to visit the sheriff' website, ccsheriff.com. There you can view the many areas of interest, including the decline in crime in Carson City and the following special programs: Volunteers in Police Service, National Night Out, D.A.R.E., Cops-N-Kids, Dinner with a Cop Spaghetti Dinner, Community Open House, Shop with a Cop, Extreme Motor Competition.

I will vote for Sheriff Ken Furlong, for what he is doing, and what he has done. I will not gamble on promises.

Harry L. Fowler

Carson City