The Roop Street widening project is continuing and is expected to be completed by the end of 2010. The following impacts are expected this week:
• Roop Street is closed from William Street to Stewart Street through the completion of the project.
• William Street will have intermittent lane closures at Roop Street from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday for westbound traffic.
• Long Street will be closed from Stewart Street to Marian Street. Traffic will be detoured via Stewart Street, Corbett Street and Molly Drive.
• Lee Street has transitioned into a permanent dead end at Roop.
• Beverly Drive will be closed to through traffic at Roop Street.
• Lane restrictions will be in place at the intersection of Winnie Lane and Roop Street. The intersection will be open to thru traffic.
• Traffic crossing Roop Street may do so at Corbett Street.
The Nevada Department of Transportation will continue working on a freeway landscaping project at the Fifth Street overpass over the freeway and at the Fairview Drive Interchange. There will be intermittent lane closures on Fifth Street, Fairview Drive and the freeway ramps, but no significant delays are expected. Please use caution.
As a result of the next phase of the NDOT project on the freeway, Koontz Lane will be closed between Raglan Circle and Edmonds Drive until January 2011.
Due to water utility improvements, the following is expected to occur:
• Hells Bells Road between Parkhill Drive and Marsh Road will be closed to through traffic (local traffic allowed) all week.
• Fairview Drive between Butti Way and 5th Street roundabout will be reduced to one lane with flaggers during daytime hours. Expect minor delays.
Saliman Road will be reduced to one lane in the southbound direction between Colorado Street and Sonoma Street due to sidewalk improvements.
Construction will continue near the intersection of Northridge Drive and Russell Way for the Fulstone Wetlands Enhancement project. Work will be off-street, but there may be occasional delays due to construction activity. Pedestrians are advised to use the sidewalk on the south side of Northridge Drive. Please use caution.
For more information, call Patrick Pittenger at 887-2355 ext. 30396.