Senator Square: College prep workshops coming up

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This week's Senior Spotlight is on Monica Chavez. She currently has a grade-point average of 3.8. She has a full schedule with class such as honors American literature, trig/pre-calculus, government, human anatomy, honors chemistry and business.

In the future, she plans on attending University of Nevada with a major in psychology. CHS is proud of this senior.


If you are interested in exploring different college options take note. Representatives from top-tier schools such as Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Penn and Stanford will present information to interested students and parents at

7:30 p.m. Sept. 26.

The event will be held at the Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St.


Parents of juniors and seniors are encouraged to attend a presentation by the guidance counselors at 6 p.m. Sept. 30 in the CHS library.

Topics covered will include senior year costs, ACT/SAT testing, and scholarships/financial aid for college.


Mr. Ackerman, teacher at Carson High, will be leading a tour this summer to Spain - Best of Barcelona.

This tour is open to any student, teacher and/or parent. For more information, contact Mr. Ackerman at 315-7681.

• Erin Been is a health teacher at Carson High School and member of Senator Pride.