Money matters: NFL, union wrangle publicly on CBA

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WASHINGTON (AP) - The NFL's willingness to reduce the amount of extra money owners want up front - from $1 billion to $800 million - isn't enough to produce a new labor deal, the head of the players' union said Wednesday, insisting that the league hasn't offered to turn over enough financial data.

Both sides spoke much more openly about money matters Wednesday than they have since they entered mediation Feb. 18. With the collective bargaining agreement set to expire Friday, they clearly are far apart on how to divide more than $9 billion in annual revenues.

On his way into the 14th session at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, NFL lead negotiator Jeff Pash said the issue of financial transparency - a key sticking point - "really should be behind us."

"We've made more information available in the course of this negotiation than has ever been made available in decades of collective bargaining with the NFLPA," Pash said. "Far more information. And we've offered to make even more information (available), including information that we do not disclose to our own clubs."

But when NFL Players Association executive director DeMaurice Smith left for the day after about eight hours of talks, he called the data the NFL offered to provide "utterly meaningless." It was rejected, the union said, because it didn't include material requested nearly two years ago by Smith in a letter to Commissioner Roger Goodell.

"Has it gotten everything it wants? Evidently not. Have we offered to provide more? Absolutely," Pash said Wednesday evening. "And is it a subject that we're prepared to discuss? Absolutely."

Under the old CBA, owners received an immediate $1 billion for operating expenses before splitting remaining revenues with players; at the outset of negotiations, the NFL sought an additional $1 billion off the top.

"Just to be absolutely clear, the information that was offered wasn't what we asked for," Smith said, "and, according to our investment bankers and advisers, they told us that information would be utterly meaningless in determining whether to write an $800 million check to the National Football League" in each year of a new CBA.

"We have requested access to fully audited financial statements since May 2009," Smith said. "We believe that is the appropriate information to analyze the league's request to write a multibillion check to the owners."

In a letter dated May 18, 2009 - a copy of which was obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press - Smith asked Goodell to "provide audited financial statements concerning the operations of the 32 clubs and the league."

In Minneapolis, meanwhile, the NFLPA asked the federal judge, who ruled in its favor in a case involving TV contracts, to release information that the NFL wants kept confidential. U.S. District Court judge David Doty sided with the players last week, saying the league illegally set up $4 billion in payments from networks - money the union argued was collected to fund a lockout.

Wednesday's move seemed to be reminder to the league of two important points - the possibility of legal action if no new CBA is reached, and the union's insistence on transparency.

The NFLPA said in its filing that the NFL hasn't explained why material should be sealed and that the league hasn't cooperated with the union's attempt to propose limited redactions to protect third-party information only.

"The NFL cannot be permitted to comment publicly about these proceedings and then turn around to embrace a cloak of confidentiality that thwarts the public's right to know," union lawyers wrote.

The league said it would respond to the filing.

In Washington, Pash didn't reveal any specifics of the league's offer of financial information. But a person familiar with the negotiations told the AP that the NFL offered to turn over five years of league-wide profitability data to the union.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity because mediator George Cohen told participants not to publicly discuss details.

According to the person who spoke to the AP, the NFL's proposal to the union included:

-audited league-wide profitability data with dollar figures from 2005-09 that wouldn't show information on a club-by-club basis;

-the number of teams that have seen a shift in profitability in that span;

-an independent auditor to examine the data.

As far back as 2009, Smith told Goodell: "As you know, the NFLPA does not have access to a wide range of information that is directly relevant to the contention that the current CBA fails to address the owners' concerns."

"For example," the letter said, "the NFL and the teams do not provide the NFLPA with their audited financial statements detailing the profit (loss) information for the teams. We also lack the information to discern the profits (losses) per regular season games, the profit per team per playoff game and other fixed financial non-player costs."

The CBA dates to 2006, but owners exercised an opt-out clause in 2008. The deal was set to expire last week, before two extensions pushed the cutoff to the end of Friday.

Goodell was joined by three members of the owners' 10-person labor committee: Art Rooney II of the Pittsburgh Steelers, John Mara of the New York Giants, and Clark Hunt of the Kansas City Chiefs. More owners are expected to attend on Thursday.

If a deal isn't reached by Friday, the sides could agree to another extension. Or talks could break off, leading to, possibly, a lockout by owners or antitrust lawsuits by players.

"The commissioner said 'talking is better than litigating.' Talking is better than, you know, going to DEFCON 3 or whatever term I've heard thrown around," Pash said. "So let's keep at it."


AP Pro Football Writer Barry Wilner in New York, and AP Sports Writer Joseph White in Washington contributed to this report.


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