CASA benefit to recognize volunteers

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Court Appointed Special Advocates is hosting a dinner Nov. 4 to raise money for the nonprofit group and recognize its volunteers.

The Volunteer Recognition Dinner will be from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Gold Dust West Casino, 2171 E. William St. The cost is $50. Tickets are available at Comma Coffee or can be reserved online by emailing

A buffet dinner and silent auction are on the agenda. The guest speaker is state Supreme Court Justice Michael Cherry. There will also be a performance by the "BAC to Broadway Kids."

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) volunteers receive training and then are appointed by a judge to represent in court the best interests of abused and neglected children in the city. 

Proceeds from this event will help CASA of Carson City promote and support the development, growth and continuation of CASA volunteer advocacy programs to serve these children.

"Our budget took an absolute beating this year," said Dennis Johnson, CASA board member. "We took a hit in funding from state and federal sources. Something like 40 percent of the funding for the national CASA organization was dropped."

To learn more about CASA of Carson City or become a volunteer, visit


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