Shannon Litz / Nevada AppealFive-year-old Mikayla Gould tells Santa what she would like for Christmas on Saturday at Telegraph Square.
A brief parade preceded extensive festivities at Telegraph Square in Carson City Saturday, a sunny day that attracted parents and kids for a visit by Santa Claus.Santa abandoned Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and sleigh for a bright red, top-down convertible. The sportster, which led the parade, was driven by a crimson-and-white clad distaff member of the Claus clan. Santa, alias Vince Mack, was driven to his destination on the square by his mother, Mrs. Claus, better known in Carson City as Doreen Mack. “I started this about four years ago,” the local designer said of the event, sounding joyful about both the square and the seasonal fun.Parents with kids in tow turned out to let Santa know what they wanted come Christmas, as well as to get a candy cane.Josephine Verive-Cain, age 6, was there with her mother, Jennifer Verive, for the parade and to put in her bid for Littlest Pet Shop Circle Animals. Mom explained they are plastic figurines that glitter.Many of the figurine-type animals are pink or purple, but Josephine said she favors the color pink more than purple. Her mom seemed as pleased at the festivities as did Josephine.“We were going to watch the parade,” her mother said. “We ended up being in the parade.” Among the many other kids present with families, some lined up to get balloon hats or animals made by Kurt Petersen of Carson City, who on occasion shows up at events as KC the clown.His work Saturday, however, concentrated exclusively on blowing up balloons and delighting the youngsters awaiting his latest creations.Across the street from Petersen there was a booth set up by Bridge Ministries where toffee was offered for sale to members of the swelling crowd.Among those working the booth was Kelly Mellum of Carson City, a volunteer, but she referred questions to Karen Berger of Minden, the toffee maker who was filtering through the crowd to dispense samples.Berger said Bridge Ministries sells the toffee to raise funds for families needing help in the area paying utility bills, as well as sponsor 15 children in Nairobi, Africa, to help advance their educations.While people mingled and enjoyed the 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. downtown activities, Martina Dayton of Carson City and Dean Brownell of Fernley provided music. Playing guitar and bass, they offered up a variety of contemporary pop songs from country and rock to other genres.