Letters to the editor Jan. 1

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Card brings out

smiles at Christmas

My youngest son, Paul, is married to a Korean named Jin. We were living in Carson City when we first met them. Her mother (The word omma is Korean for "mom.") died a few years ago but she still has a sister and brother, Keun and his wife, Kyung and their children living here.

Paul and Jin came for an early Christmas get-together and they brought with them a card from her brother and his wife.

I took one look at the envelope and broke up ... laughing! It was addressed to "Carson Omma" meaning ... Carson Mom!

Mary Santomauro


Demand the truth be preached year-round

Romans 12:7 says, "Render therefore to all their dues; tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour."

Well, I would like to render all these, first, to the Lord Jesus Christ, and thank Him for opening the eyes of two young people, Samie and Matt, who have taken a courageous stand for the truth of Scripture. They both decided not to participate in this year's Christmas pageant because of the unscrupulous practice of the leadership to add paganism in with truth, which then turns the truth of God into a lie.

Why isn't the true account of the birth of Jesus Christ enough for pageants today? Why don't you people who claim to be Christians stand up like these two young people have and say, enough is enough, and demand that all the truth be preached year-round, or find someone who will preach the truth, and will stick with the King James Version Bible.

I would name the church in question, but won't, because I believe they mean well, but are just ignorant of what they're doing and the real problems it's causing a few people there.

They had better wake up soon and realize they're sinning and get back to the word.

Rosalee Hinton

Carson City

When will Obama

start doing his job?

Obama's first two years were a waste.

In a Dec. 24 letter, Lynn Muzzy hit the nail on the head. Thanks, Lynn.

Everyone needs to keep in mind how Obama pounded the country by ramming everything down our gullets like meat into a meat grinder while he had the Democratic majority in the entire Congress - Obamacare being just one example.

At that time, he gave no consideration to any bipartisanship whatsoever because they had control, and he could railroad however they wished. At one point in time, he said he would shelve the health care and concentrate on jobs. That lasted only a few days before he reverted back to his concentration on health care, and to heck with jobs.

Now that they don't have the same control, Obama constantly complains that there is no bipartisanism and blames the Republicans for everything wrong and says they will not cooperate.

To me, Obama showed the worst misuse of a majority power in our history, and has caused serious and permanent damage that will last generations. In the first three-quarters of his term, he has done everything but his job as our president. With another four years of Obama, we will no longer be the USA.

Incidentally, I back the sheriff in Arizona (Joe Arpaio) all the way. Why does the government sue him for doing his job?

Bill Ramsden


Congress needs to start paying attention to voters

I am amazed that Congress takes time away from vital fundraising to pursue baseball players. After countless dollars and eight years, Barry Bonds is given a 30-day house arrest and a $4,000 fine. After the extensive hearings, this is the best they got?

Another example of congressional waste is Congress fighting for the old light bulbs instead of fluorescent bulbs. Way to go, guys. You certainly don't want to waste time on real budget and spending reform because that would take cooperation, and it is important for Republicans to prevent Obama's re-election, no matter what it costs the nation.

I do have one question for Republican congressmen: Didn't you take an oath to defend America from enemies, foreign and domestic, and to uphold the Constitution? Why do you need an oath to a lobbyist, Grover Norquist, when you already took a pretty good oath?

I now understand why George Washington was so against party and faction - he understood that Congress would serve narrow interests and not the nation.

Ronald H. Adams


Find real ways to

help working class

I wonder if everyone understands that payroll taxes (FICA) fund Social Security and Medicare.

Social Security and Medicare are already operating in the red. The payroll tax cut will cause more problems for retirees on Social Security and Medicare.

Using the reasoning of Washington, D.C., why not have a real tax cut - eliminate the federal income tax for two months? That would really help the working class.

Joseph Renner


Thank Sen. Reid for hurting entitlements

If you are a senior, I urge you to call Sen. Harry Reid today and thank him and the Democrats for de-funding Social Security.

Social Security is funded by taxes on wages earned. They lowered those taxes before the 2012 elections to make working people feel richer each week.

Also thank him for cutting $500 million from Medicare next year.

Sen. Reid's office number is 1-866-736-7374.

Laurence Pederson

Carson Cityꆱ


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