Bills should be plain English, not rambling doublespeak
Two-hundred and thirty-seven years ago, the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, a date now celebrated as the birth of American Freedom. These 1,337 powerful words, written on only one page and signed by 56 brave men who knowingly putting their lives in peril, created America.
Now Congress introduces thousands of bills every year; of which, only three percent pass. Unfortunately, the ones that do are thousands of pages of mendacious, legalese language, which few, if any, congressmen ever read. Obamacare comes to mind with it’s 20,000 pages. Does anyone fully understand it?
Why can’t bills be written in succinct, to the point “plain speaking” language that all Americans can comprehend. We understand and live by the Constitution, consisting of four pages, 4,543 words. Why? Because it is written in truth for all the people.
Inga Silver
Carson City
This year’s fireworks display beats all that came before it
Now that was fireworks! We have lived in Carson City for a long time, and we think this year’s display, between the Reno Aces show on Wednesday and Mills Park on Thursday, was the best ever. Thank you to all responsible.
Barbara Gawronski
Carson City