This stretch of road extending from Venturacci Lane to the Fallon Convention Center will be closed as of Mondayas part of construction of the new Convention Center Drive. The new road will connect Venturacci Lane and Auction Road along the perimeter of the parking of the Convention Center and Western Nevada College campus.
Fallon City Council members heard updates Tuesday night on three city construction projects during their regularly scheduled meeting.
City Engineer Jim Souba informed council members work began Wednesday on a lift station to service the Dairy Farmers of America Fallon Plant. Council members awarded a contract at their July 1 meeting to Resource Development Inc. in the low bid amount of $1,033,900 for a project that will handle waste water from the plant to the city’s water treatment facility.
Souba also informed council members construction is set to shift into high gear Monday on the new Convention Center Drive. The road will connect Auction Road with Venturacci Lane along the perimeter of the convention center and Western Nevada College Fallon Campus parking lot area.
Starting on Monday, the roadway off Venturacci Lane leading to the Convention Center and Western Nevada College will be closed for construction.
Souba said signs will be displayed on Auction Road to alert motorists of the closure.
City council members awarded a contract last month to A & K Earth Movers for a project expected to be completed by early November.
Council members were also informed Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) grant funding has been approved for an Automated Weather Observation Station (AWOS) at the Fallon Municipal Airport.
Mesquite Electric was awarded a contract — which was contingent on final approval of the FAA grant — at the May 7 council .