School board to meet Thursday

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The Churchill County School District Board of Trustees on Thursday will hold their second regularly scheduled meeting of June at 6:30 p.m. in the district administration office, 690 S. Maine St.

Trustees will discuss or take action on the following items:

• Consider changes to policies regarding job description and evaluation for the superintendent of schools.

• Eric Grimes, executive director of Churchill Economic Development Authority (CEDA), will provide a brief presentation regarding Churchill County’s economic forecast.

• Consider approval of a contract with AVC Fire in the amount of $29,190 to retrofit the existing fire suppression system at Lahontan Elementary School.

• Hear a report on funding and value of the adult education program and discuss the district’s role as a provider of adult education. Trustees may take action to direct staff to research the possibility of receiving funds from the adult education program to compensate for the program’s use of district facilities.

• Approval of floor plan for the West End facility bond project remodel, including possible emodel of rooms for use of the adult education program scheduled to begin Fall of 2013.

• Approval to relinquish the old district offices at 545 E. Richards St. to the city of Fallon pursuant to the reverter clause in original deed.

• Consider Geney/Gassiot, Inc.’s request to change carpentry subcontractors on the Churchill County Middle School gymnasium renovation project at no cost to the district.

• Consider Geney/Gassiot’s request to change carpentry subcontractors on the E.C. Best Elementary School renovation project at no cost to the district.

• Phyllys Dowd, director of Business Services, will present an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget for approval.

• Budgeting money and approving funds for the board to send students to state and national events.

• Bus Scharmann, interim superintendent, and Steve Russell, director of Transportation and chairman of the Safety Committee, will provide a presentation of the District Security Plan.

• Discuss possible changes to the Human Resources director position, including possible change of duties, change of title, and other related matters.

• Discussion of the board budget.

• Trustees will meet in closed session and then return to open session to consider the annual evaluation and contract reviews for Dawn Whitten, Food Services director; Sue Chambers, Federal Programs coordinator; and Brian Byrd, Maintenance director.

• Recognition of CCSD employees who are retiring from the district.

• Among the consent agenda items will be a five-year contract with CC Communications for continued telephone services for an estimated annual cost of $37,905 and an estimated total cost of $189,525. The estimates are based on current phone services being utilized by the district.


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