FFA week provides learning experience for CCHS students

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National FFA week kicked off on Feb. 16.

The students at Churchill County High School were extremely active and involved throughout the various activities and events that were held. On account of President’s Day, there was no school on Monday the 18th, which enabled the FFA members to operate the annual twine day. Members worked from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. to gather as much twine as possible. Many truckloads of twine were taken from the ranches, dairies and farms from around the valley that participate in the program.

Tuesday was blue and gold day at the high school. At lunch, FFA hosted a turkey bowl. The object of the game was to knock over as many soda bottles as possible by sliding a frozen turkey down the sidewalk in the high school quad. After school, members gathered in Kristine Moore¹s room to play board games.

The theme for Wednesday was dairy. Many students dressed up in custom black and white shirts to resemble a dairy cow. The lunchtime activity required students to dig through pie pans filled with whipped cream with only their mouths in search of a single piece of bubble gum. The winner was the first one to find the piece of gum and blow a bubble. After school, the members were invited to bowl a few rounds at the bowling alley.

Thursday’s theme centered on the rancher/farmer. During lunchtime, a blind petting zoo was held with a variety of young farm animals supplied. The object of the game was for the blindfolded high school students to pet the different animals and guess the type.

To top off the week, members wore FFA official dress to school on Friday. A barbecue lunch was provided to members. For the grand finale, members were invited to a dance at the Old Post Office Friday night. The week was a huge success.

On behalf of the Churchill County officer team, a special thanks goes out to the FFA week committee chair, Mallory Goodrick. With the help of the committee members, she was able to organize the entire week. Also, the Churchill County FFA chapter would like to thank the many participants in the twine recycling program. They contributed by helping to make the FFA program a success.


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