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140 Years Ago

Plaza trees: Mischievous boys must abandon the habit of climbing into and breaking off limbs from the Plaza trees ... Sheriff Swift will come along with an ox goad and a lot of handcuffs and a bunch of keys ... and slap the darbies on you. Then he will chuck you in jail head first and hand you that mean old moldy bread and bucket of alkali water.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: Richard Roberts, son of Captain J. D. Roberts of the State Prison guard, is said to be a wonderful spiritualistic medium. And that he can materialize spirits ... Many in this city would like to see him give a public exhibition (Foreman-Roberts House).

100 Years Ago

Signs: It would be an excellent idea to remove the signs from two defunct banks in this city. An eastern man came here to invest but only remained twenty-four hours. There is no use for a town where two of its banks are “busted.”

70 Years Ago

Vacation rationing: Vacation travel cannot be permitted this summer. The extra use of rubber and gasoline in the east could not be justified by present supplies.

Each car owner gets 90 miles of coupons each month. “A” coupons are good for two months so a motorist can save up 180 “free” miles for vacations.

50 Years Ago

Talking dog: Patrolman Harold Jensen investigated a report that a yellow mongrel had been struck by a car — written in his blotter entry: “Dog contacted and said he was not hurt very much.”

30 Years Ago

Credit cards: Fraud losses have soared as much as 1,500 percent ... exploding into a one billion year racked up. MasterCard’s vice president for security says officials need to be armed with a “congressional directive” that credit card fraud is a criminal affront that will not be tolerated.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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