the Churchill County 4-H Hot Wings Poultry Club competed at the Northern Nevada Poultry Fanciers Association's Youth and Open Poultry Show, held at the Hutchings Ranch in Fallon. From left to right, Catherine Burns won second place in Novice Showmanship. Nicole Nelson participated in PeeWee Showmanship, and her birds each brought home ribbons. Bob Behimer showed in Peewee showmanship and his 5 birds won many ribbons. Ethan Behimer (front) had a hen win Reserve Champion English of the open and youth show. Nick Behimer won first in Novice Showmanship and his 5 birds did very well. Julia Wideman won third place in Intermediate Showmanship and her hen won Reverse Champion in the Other Standard Breeds Class in the quality competition.
The Churchill County 4-H Hot Wings Poultry Club competed at the Northern Nevada Poultry Fanciers Association’s Youth and Open Poultry Show held at the Hutchings Ranch in Fallon. From left are Catherine Burns, won second place in Novice Showmanship; Nicole Nelson participated in PeeWee Showmanship, and her birds each brought home ribbons; Bob Behimer showed in Peewee showmanship and his five birds won many ribbons; Ethan Behimer (front) had a hen win Reserve Champion English of the open and youth show; Nick Behimer won first in Novice Showmanship and his five birds did very well; and Julia Wideman won third place in Intermediate Showmanshi,p and her hen won Reverse Champion in the Other Standard Breeds Class in the quality competition.