November is National Homeless Awareness Month. Churchill County School District uses this opportunity to share information about the McKinney-Vento Act Students in Transition program.
This program allows the district to support students in a homeless situation or when they are in transition between permanent housing situations. The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youth as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
The Students in Transition Program/Homeless Program is operated through the Federal Programs office of the Churchill County School District. This is an ongoing program with the primary goal of removing barriers to success in school and life for homeless youth. The program assists with educational needs within the school setting including, but not limited to, school supplies, fees and tutoring. We believe that education is the key to providing children and youth with a successful future.
Churchill County School District identified 156 students last year as being homeless. This year in the first two months of school 104 students have already been identified. The majority of students and their families that are homeless are living with family and friends due to economic hardship.
The Churchill County Parks and Recreation Department is holding the annual Fallon Turkey Trot 5K on Nov. 23. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Students in Transition program. Participants are also asked to bring a personal hygiene item to donate.
For information about Students in Transition, call Carol Johnson at 775-423-6955. For more information about the Turkey Trot, call the Churchill County Parks and Recreation Department at 775-423-7733.