Churchill County Farm Bureau members unanimously approved donating $500 to victims of winter storm “Atlas” during their recently held annual meeting in Fallon.
The early season blizzard devastated ranch families across South Dakota.
“Farmers and ranchers care for our livestock and we care for each other,” said Churchill County Farm Bureau President Julie Wolf. “Churchill County Farm Bureau is proud to be able to donate funds that will go to relief efforts for those affected by this horrific storm.”
South Dakota rancher Jodene Shaw said on her blog, “ Ranching families across the prairie are experiencing trauma like never before. The loss of livestock is shocking to the core. Our hearts are raw.”
Churchill County Farm Bureau encourages all Nevadans to join Churchill County Farm Bureau and donate to relief efforts. A Ranchers Relief Fund has been established to directly support those affected by the blizzard. To donate to the Ranchers Relief fund visit and search “Rancher Relief Fund.”
The AgChat Foundation has also established a Rancher Relief Fund with a goal of raising $500,000. The donations will be spread across to those affected in South Dakota, Wyoming, and Nebraska. The learn more about the AgChat’s Rancher Relief Fund visit