140 years ago
Uncle Jake Beam, a week from the Eastern side of the Rockies, is amongst us again. He declares he wouldn’t exchange a square rood of alkaline flatitude for all the limitless waste of cold blooded civilization of the maturer states. He looks croppy of pate and Beaming of countenance.
130 years ago
Pat Holland is again reported dead. A man named Holland was shot about ten days ago near Boise City, but we will wager that if Pat had that old Comstock howitzer with him he came out all right.
100 years ago
William Harding, aged 19, a resident of White Pine County, died recently while in the hills from eating wild parsnips which he had cooked, not knowing they were deadly poison. He reached the ranch where he was staying just in time to tell what had happened before expiring.
70 years ago
The 20-30 Club met last night and watched a film on the Aircobra filmed at the plant of the Bell Aircraft Company. Guests of the night were Bryan Clary and Ray Jensen.
50 years ago
Carson City High School’s track and field team yesterday thumped Stewart 88-30, in what Coach Bob Burns charitably described as a “good mid-week workout.”
30 years ago
Public Service Commission Chairman Scott Cragie rolled the dice and it came up $7 million in new charges for southern Nevada natural gas customers as the PSC moved Monday to resolve the most bitter public split in has seen in years.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.