Art gallery facility needs sign
In 1976, the Nevada Artists Association and the Proscenium Players of Carson City and others raised $100,000 to match a federal grant and bought the old Brewery complex on King and Division streets. After a lot of work by many, the buildings became a nice facility. This facility houses the Artisans store, theater productions, and the Nevada Artists Associations gallery. The galleries feature some of the finest art and gifts of any in Nevada, in my opinion. We have tried for years to place a decent, durable, sign on King street to advertise these fine galleries, but we always run into objections or restrictions from the City or the Historical Society. All we need is a comparable sign as good as all the others up and down Division and King streets, i.e. churches, state buildings, Ferris mansion, and all the various businesses, and offices. Many “old timer” residents are not even aware of these galleries. What must we do to get approval to place a nice sign on King street? Any help would be appreciated.
Donna Jensen
Carson City