Boards of health, supervisors set to meet

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Carson City’s Board of Supervisors and Board of Health will meet in special meeting sessions Thursday to review health and business reports.

After starting at 8:30 a.m. in the Carson City Community Center Sierra Room and taking any public comment, the city’s governing board will recess and reconstitute as the health board to review various reports and discuss them. Health Officer Susan Pintar, a health board member along with the mayor and supervisors, will open the session with her report. Next up is a report on the Health and Human Services Department from Nikki Aaker, HHS director.

Also on the agenda is a report and likely acceptance of donations for animal services in the city.

Various other reports, discussions and possible actions are expected, among them such items as a draft public health emergency operations plan, an all hazards emergency plan, and a look at pedestrian-bicycle safety and access in Carson City.

After the health board’s work is done, the governing board will reconvene for three agenda items. Two of them are the city’s quarterly business review through June and probable adoption of a resolution proposing issue of general obligation, limited tax bonds to finance infrastructure projects. The third item deals with the district attorney’s witness guide program that provides K-9 attendant aid for victims of violent crimes.

The business review item is designed to provide a citywide performance scorecard, which is touted as a tool focusing on measuring progress regarding projects. It’s an effort to determine progress by comparing data with targets. The initiatives or projects involved were previously adopted by the city’s governing board.