Letters to the editor for Sunday, Feb. 16, 2014

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Earnhardt is the only real No. 3 in NASCAR

Dale Earnhardt’s No. 3 should have been retired when he died in 2001 at Daytona. That was a special number for a special driver. A legend.

Austin Dillon or anybody else has no right or no business using that number! He didn’t earn that number. He has nothing on Dale Earnhardt. No ties or relations to him. His son wouldn’t even use No. 3. He’s always had his own number. Austin Dillon needs to pick a new number. Not the Black No. 3. I don’t think Austin Dillon even knows the legend behind that black No. 3 car.

Dale Earnhardt forever — No. 3 and only him.

Deborah G. Lazenby

Carson City

Stop marginalizing those you don’t know

For the past decade, there have been certain callous individuals who have chosen to degrade or trash me for no good reason at all. Their meritless accusations and condescending remarks have attempted to marginalize my overall character and skills. They don’t know about my life story or what I have been through. I have natural feelings and should be allowed to express them without being judged, criticized, or treated beneath anyone else. Therefore, I must set the record straight.

I am a flawed human being, not a robot! I’m also a very honest, sincere, hard-working, sensitive, genuine, awesome, real man with a heart. Lastly, I demonstrate care and concern towards other people.

But no one should underestimate any of that as my Achilles’ heel. I simply will not tolerate anyone’s disloyalty, hatred, or verbal abuse towards me — regardless of one’s stature. Furthermore, I will continue to live my life by doing what is right for me and by not conforming to anyone else’s standards. In other words, I simply won’t be held back by what I can or cannot do.

Joshua Dealy

Carson City

City belongs to us all, not just the affluent

The mayor would like our Board of Supervisors to approve a 1/8 cent sales tax increase. I’d like you to tell them to vote “no.” Not because we can’t afford the average $12.50 per family increase, and not because none of the projects are worthwhile. It is because the mayor and a few of our supervisors have demonstrated that their vision of Carson City is one where an increased cost of living, increased debt, and increased long-term fiscal obligations should be our future.

In the past year, our water rates have gone up and our property taxes have increased. Those of us on fixed or limited incomes feel this every day. In the meantime, families are leaving town, school enrollment is down, and unemployment remains high. The mayor’s number one priority? Build a gym ... because we are a “sports town.” I submit we are not. As a city, we have spent over a million dollars to plan a gym, yet we will rely on charity to build an animal shelter.

I believe this is wrong. I believe we are a community that wants responsible government; that prioritizes safety and health (the animal shelter) before speculating on recreation and environmentally irresponsible beautification projects, and that does so within a fiscally-conservative budget. I believe we can do better than this “plan” without leveraging our future with assumptions and debt. Most of all, I believe this city belongs to all of us, and not just to the elite and the affluent.

Chris Carver

Carson City

Thanks for donations to animal infirmary

On behalf of Nancy Laird, R.N., and her tireless team at the Wild Animal Infirmary for Nevada in Washoe Valley, we wish to thank the good folks of Carson City and surrounding areas for their generous donations to aid this wonderful organization in their tireless and unending work of rescuing ill and injured wildlife, caring for them as they heal, performing rehabilitation and ultimately releasing wildlife when appropriately healthy.

There continues to be a need for certain items to aid in their efforts. Among those items are large handheld cotton, not nylon or synthetic, fishing nets to restrain the raptors (hawks, eagles, etc.) while being treated. (Cotton does better at not injuring the birds as it is more forgiving to any possible wing damage). Also, Exact and NutriStart (baby songbird food), chick starter, and game bird starter, hen scratch and puppy pads, small ones, about 17 by 24 inches, and large pads, about 24 by 36 inches, (used in the indoor cages, as well as the carriers since the birds are not house-broken). Also, new carpet samples 16 by 24 inches or 21 by 23 inches (used in cages for birds with spinal injuries), and pet heating pads that do not turn off for placing injured wildlife on to facilitate faster recoveries.

With the continuing drought and the increase of new patients at WAIF, all of the above are desperately needed, including any cash donations.

As always, WAIF is an IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit, educational and charitable organization charted in 1978 to care for ill, injured and orphaned wildlife. When the birds and animals have recovered, they are returned to the wild.

If anyone has items to donate and cannot take them directly to WAIF (2920 Eagle St., Carson City, NV 89704), please call us and we will arrange for pickup and will see that you receive a tax receipt for your kindness. Thank you.

Fred and Carole Bien

Carson City


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