Past Pages for Saturday, Feb. 22, 2014

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140 years ago

Valuable horse killed by locomotive engine. The fine mare, lately driven by Doctor Waters, was instantly killed yesterday near Morgan Mill by a locomotive engine under full head of steam. The doctor was at Mr. Hanson’s house on a professional visit and had hitched the mare to the back of the house so that when the train came along she could hear it, but not see it. The noise frightened her and broke loose across the track just in time to be struck by the engine. This same horse has frequently been driven along side of a passing train without betraying any fear.

130 years ago

Some progressive Carsonites propose to put an ice boat modeled after the Hudson River craft on Washoe Lake. It runs on three runners and is rigged like a yacht. It is claimed that these boats can be made to run a mile a minute. It this case, the boat would not have many minutes to run on Washoe Lake.

100 years ago

Last night a number of Comstockers witnessed the unusual sight of an electrical storm somewhere to the west. The flashes of lightening were frequent about midnight and the storm lasted for several hours.

70 years ago

A chest, containing games and recreational facilities for servicemen at sea, was sent this week to the United Seamen’s Service in San Francisco by Carson residents. The chest was made from lumber from the Nevada Lumber Company and filled by Mrs. E.A. Drucker, Mrs. G. L. McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Bigelow, Misses Mabel and Rose Stewart, Pete Pierini and Charles Stewart.

50 years ago

Bob Wood of Ukiah, California, set what is believed to be a national civilian record Sunday by firing 20 consecutive bull’s eye form a kneeling position at the Reno open rifle shooting matches. Wood then added 39 more.

30 years ago

Political consultant Andrew Barbano dealt himself in to the race for Northern Nevada’s congressional seat Tuesday hoping to oust incumbent Barbara Vucanovich.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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