CHS proficiency exams coming up

Lydia Lopez

Lydia Lopez

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High School Proficiency Exams will be March 3-6 at Carson High School. Students taking the exams will need to report to school at the regularly scheduled time of 7:45 a.m. School will begin at 10:30 a.m. for those students not taking tests.


Seniors will be awarded academic letters at 6 p.m. Thursday in Senator Square. The event is open to parents and teachers to celebrate and recognize those students who qualified for an academic letter.


This is a busy time of year for seniors filling out college and scholarship applications. The guidance office would like to remind you that they have services to help you with this process. Don’t miss the Senator Scholarship Scoop, which is available every Monday morning with the latest news about scholarships, testing information, college visits, grants and endless trivial information.

You are responsible for all directions, deadlines and specific criteria required for each application. Read the information carefully!

The Scoop is available online at, go to “Guidance” then “The Scoop,” or you can pick one up in the Guidance Office.

If you are a high achieving junior from a low-income family, and are interested in applying to Ivy League schools, you should apply for the QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship. This program helps successful applicants apply to colleges, secure financial aid and even receive full scholarships to college summer programs at schools like Harvard, Stanford and Notre Dame. Pick up information in the Guidance Office. Applications are due March 26.


This week’s senior in the spotlight is Lydia Lopez. She carries a grade-point average of 4.44, and is taking a variety of honors and advance-placement classes, as well as Leadership.

Lydia has participated in soccer, swimming and has been a member of Carson High School’s leadership program since her freshman year of high school where she has held various offices from freshman class vice president to senior class treasurer.

She has used her position in leadership to aid in her work with charitable fundraisers. She led a program to raise money for a CHS staff member who needed a heart transplant, and also helped raise more than $5,000 for Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation She is now working on a fundraiser for Austin’s House.

Lydia is a member of AP Government We the People Class which recently competed at the state competition. Lydia’s unit team walked away with a fourth place finish among the competing schools.

Lydia is an extremely compassionate individual who endeavors to improve the lives of others. Lydia is considering a career in either medicine or education.

She plans to attend Washington State University or the University of Nevada, Reno. CHS is proud and appreciative of the contributions Lydia has made to her school and her community.

Angila Golik is a Carson High School government teacher and a member of Senator Pride.


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