The Churchill County School Board approved renovation plans for West End with final plans to be determined in the future.
The Churchill County School Board met Thursday and approved to have Superintendent Dr. Sandra Sheldon present to the board and community the improvements that have been done as a result of the Community Forum held in November.
Sheldon said several items were recommended during the autumn forum.
“We had a great turn out at the forum with great suggestions from parents,” Sheldon said. “I would be happy to come back to the board and address these issues on what we’ve accomplished from the community forum ideas over this last year. I can present what has been done, what has not been done and what can’t be done now.”
Trustee Carmen Schank said she would like the items that have been completed to be taken off of the list and the remaining items to be addressed.
Trustee Nona McFarlane added it is important to let the public and parents know what recommendations the district has completed over the year since the community forum was held.
“We need to address what we have done and where we’re moving for the rest of it,” McFarlane said. “It’s an answer to the parents and we should provide them with how it was solved. Since we have town hall meetings and ask for participation and feedback and input and then we don’t participate back it just looks bad on our part”
Sheldon said she would itemize the list for both the board and the public.
“There are some things suggested in here that just aren’t feasible right at this time,” Sheldon said. “But I will get together a list of what has been done and what can be done in the future.”
The trustees also approved or discussed the following items:
Approved the debt management policy.
Approved award of contract to Ferguson Construction, Inc. with a base bid of $1,272,000 and any or all of the following alternates for the West End Center renovation. Alternate A: Library renovation $188,750; alternate B: North parking lot $79,180; alternate C: East parking lot $9,189 and alternate D: Prep kitchen renovation $56,750.
Discussed the geotechnical report for the possible site for Churchill County High School auxiliary gym.
Discussed attaching policies to board agenda items.
Approved modifications of terms for Sheldon’s contract.