Educate yourselves on medical marijuana
Those opposed to medical marijuana need to educate themselves. If they had a child with epilepsy they would be waiting patiently for the chance to have access to an extract known as “Charlotte’s Web.” It is made from the cannabinoid part of the plant known as CBD which has been found helpful with seizure control. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive part of the plant and can be removed so that the ratio of CBD:THC can be as high as 30:1. This can be dispensed in an oil and added to food. It is not smoked and is not psychoactive.
The reason it is called “Charlotte’s Web” is because a six-year-old girl named Charlotte Figi who suffered up to 300 epileptic seizures per week, often with over 60 a day, experienced a 99-plus percent seizure reduction after eight months on the medicine. More information about this can be found through the Realm of Caring Foundation at the website
I understand the concern for abuse that might occur with the legalization of medical marijuana. Personally, I think the CBD should be dispensed through a pharmacy and don’t understand why it isn’t. But the abuse of pharmaceuticals is not new and should not prevent those who need the medicine from getting it.
Don R. Drake
Carson City
Prisoner exchange was a PR stunt
To divert attention away from the VA scandal, some brilliant PR person suggested that returning the last POW in Afghanistan will place Obama in high esteem with “we the people.” Releasing five high ranking terrorists, and the possible future harm to us, apparently never entered their mind. Too many decisions of late have been made without thought. Seize the moment to further our political gain seems to be the mantra of the day.
Meanwhile, Sgt. Tahmooressi, sits in jail in Mexico, and not one word from our Commander in Chief. In this situation, we have the power to negotiate — immediately suspend military aid to Mexico, including training, intelligence cooperation and close the border from the U.S. into Mexico. The lack of tourist dollars would cause significant financial pain.
I find it ironic that while Sgt. Tahmooressi sits in jail nearly a thousand hard-core criminals were released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement awaiting deportation proceedings. Whose life means more, an American Marine or illegal immigrants? I find it reprehensible.
Inga Silver
Carson City