140 Years Ago
Building lots are for sale in the Rice & Peters plat. The lots lies on the high ground just north of the city and embrace some of the most desirable and slightly views. It is proposed to sell these lots at very reasonable figures.
130 Years Ago
A preacher in the East has purchased seaside cottages for use of his parishioners — a very thoughtful move on the part of the clergy. If the Carson divines gave every pewholder a cottage at Lake Tahoe, they would find their churches overflowing and the coffers of the Lord full.
110 Years Ago
Duane Bliss, superintendent of the Tahoe Transportation Company, came down from Tahoe City. He says the lake is higher than has been known for many years, the water being over the rails in the car barn and up to the stringers of the company’s wharfs.
70 Years Ago
Selective service authorizes expanded deferment lists to include loggers, chemists, oil technicians and rubber producers.
50 Years Ago
TV Guide: Yogi Bear, Cheyenne, Flintstones, Donna Reed, Ensign O’Toole, Tightrope.
30 Years Ago
A proposed ordinance would subject managers and employees of day care facilities to FBI background checks through the Sheriff’s department.